partitionFacetIndicesByVisibilityVector MethodStatic

  • Examine the normal orientation for each faces.
  • Separate to 3 partitions:
    • facets with normal in the positive direction of the vectorToEye (partition 0)
    • facets with normal in the negative direction of the vectorToEye (partition 1)
    • facets nearly perpendicular to the view vector (partition 2)
  • Return array of arrays of facet indices.

partitionFacetIndicesByVisibilityVector(polyface: Polyface | PolyfaceVisitor, vectorToEye: Vector3d, sideAngleTolerance: Angle): number[][]

Parameter Type Description
polyface Polyface | PolyfaceVisitor  
vectorToEye Vector3d  
sideAngleTolerance Angle  

Returns - number[][]

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023