core-react Change Log

The core-react package contains general purpose React components, such as Dialog, MessageBox, SearchBox, RadialMenu and SplitButton. For more information, see learning about core-react.


Name Description
AutoSuggest Component for input with an auto-suggestion dropdown.
Base Low-level classes and components for building application UI.
Button Components for working with various Buttons.
Checkbox Component is a wrapper for the <input type="checkbox"> HTML element.
CheckListBox Components for working with a Check listbox.
Common Common classes and enums used across various UI components.
ContextMenu Components for working with a Context Menu.
Dialog Components for working with a Dialog or MessageBox.
ElementSeparator Components for working with a ElementSeparator.
Expandable Components for working with a ExpandableBlock or ExpandableList.
Form Components used to create a Form using supplied properties to specify fields.
Icon Component that renders core-react icon when given an icon name or SVG source.
Inputs Components for working with input controls, such as Input, IconInput, NumberInput and Textarea.
Loading Components for working with Loading spinners and progress indicators and bars.
Notification Components for working with messages and tooltips.
Popup Components for working with a Popup.
RadialMenu Components for working with a RadialMenu.
Radio Component is a wrapper for the <input type="radio"> HTML element.
Components for working with a SearchBox.
Select Component is a wrapper for the <select> HTML element.
Settings Manager and UI Components that allow users to modify settings for different packages and extensions.
Slider Component displays a range slider with thumbs for changing the value.
SplitButton Components for working with a SplitButton.
Tabs Components for working with horizontal or vertical tabs.
Text Components for working with styled text.
Tiles Components for a container rendering elements that can be grouped together.
Toggle Components for working with a Toggle switch.
Tooltip Components for working with a Tooltip.
Tree Presentation React components for working with a Tree.
UiStateStorage Interfaces and classes for working with persistent UI settings.
Utilities Various utility classes, functions and React hooks for working with a UI.
All Displays the contents of all topics in this package.

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023