importElementMultiAspects Method

Import the collection of ElementMultiAspects into the target iModel.

importElementMultiAspects(aspectPropsArray: ElementAspectProps[], filterFunc: (a: ElementMultiAspect) => boolean = ...): string[]

note For insert vs. update reasons, it is important to process all ElementMultiAspects owned by an Element at once since we don't have aspect-specific provenance.

Parameter Type Description
aspectPropsArray ElementAspectProps[] The ElementMultiAspects to import
filterFunc (a: ElementMultiAspect) => boolean Optional filter func that is used to exclude target ElementMultiAspects that were added during iModel transformation from the update detection logic.

Returns - string[]

the array of ids of the resulting ElementMultiAspects, in the same order of the aspectPropsArray parameter

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023