resumeTransformation MethodStatic

Return a new transformer instance with the same remappings state as saved from a previous IModelTransformer.saveStateToFile call. This allows you to "resume" an iModel transformation, you will have to call IModelTransformer.processChanges/IModelTransformer.processAll again but the remapping state will cause already mapped elements to be skipped. To "resume" an iModel Transformation you need:

  • the sourceDb at the same changeset
  • the same targetDb in the state in which it was before

resumeTransformation<SubClass extends (...a: any[]) => IModelTransformer>(this: SubClass, statePath: string, ...constructorArgs: ConstructorParameters<SubClass>): InstanceType<SubClass>

note custom transformers with custom state may need to override this method in order to handle loading their own custom state somewhere

Parameter Type Description
this SubClass  
statePath string the path to the serialized state of the transformer, use IModelTransformer.saveStateToFile to get this from an existing transformer instance
...constructorArgs ConstructorParameters<SubClass> remaining arguments that you would normally pass to the Transformer subclass you are using, usually (sourceDb, targetDb)

Returns - InstanceType<SubClass>

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023