ChildNodeSpecificationBase Interface

Base interface for all ChildNodeSpecification implementations.

see Child node specifications reference documentation section


Name Type Description
doNotSort undefined | boolean Suppress sorting of nodes returned by this specification.  
hasChildren "Always" | "Never" | "Unknown" This attribute allows telling the engine that nodes created by this specification always or never have children.  
hideExpression undefined | string When specified ECExpression evaluates  
hideIfNoChildren undefined | boolean Specifies whether nodes created through this specification should be hidden if they have no child nodes.  
hideNodesInHierarchy undefined | boolean When true, instances nodes produced by this specification are omitted and their children appear one  
nestedRules undefined | ChildNodeRule[] Specifications of nested child node rules that  
priority undefined | number Controls the order in which specifications are handled — specification with higher priority value is  
relatedInstances undefined | RelatedInstanceSpecification[] Specifications of related instances that can be used  
specType "RelatedInstanceNodes" | "InstanceNodesOfSpecificClasses" | "CustomQueryInstanceNodes" | "CustomNode" Used for serializing to JSON.  
suppressSimilarAncestorsCheck undefined | boolean Specifies whether similar ancestor nodes' checking should be suppressed when creating nodes based on this  

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023