Widget Interface

Describes the data needed to provide a widget.


Name Type Description
allowedPanels Readonly | undefined Stage panels to which this widget can be docked.  
badge Readonly BadgeType | undefined    
canFloat Readonly boolean | CanFloatWidgetOptions Set to false to disable floating of a widget.  
canPopout Readonly boolean | undefined Describes if the widget can be popped out to a separate window.  
content Readonly React.ReactNode | undefined Content of the Widget.  
defaultState Readonly WidgetState | undefined Defaults to Floating if widget is not allowed to dock to any panels.  
icon Readonly IconSpec | undefined    
id Readonly string    
label Readonly string | ConditionalStringValue    
layouts Readonly WidgetLayouts | undefined Describes layout specific configuration of a widget.  
priority Readonly number | undefined    
tooltip Readonly string | ConditionalStringValue    

Defined in

Last Updated: 17 June, 2024