
Subclasses of Models. See the learning articles.


Name Description  
DefinitionModel A container for persisting definition elements.  
DictionaryModel The singleton container for repository-specific definition elements.  
DocumentListModel Contains a list of document elements.  
DrawingModel A 2d model that holds DrawingGraphics.  
GeometricModel A container for persisting geometric elements.  
GeometricModel2d A container for persisting 2d geometric elements.  
GeometricModel3d A container for persisting 3d geometric elements.  
GraphicalModel2d A container for persisting 2d graphical elements.  
GraphicalModel3d A container for persisting GraphicalElement3d instances.  
GroupInformationModel A container for persisting group information elements.  
InformationModel A container for persisting information elements.  
InformationRecordModel A container for persisting Information Record Elements  
LinkModel A container for persisting link elements.  
Model A Model is a container for persisting a collection of related elements within an iModel.  
PhysicalModel A container for persisting physical elements that model physical space.  
RepositoryModel The singleton container of repository-related information elements.  
RoleModel A container for persisting role elements.  
SectionDrawingModel A container for persisting section DrawingGraphics.  
SheetModel A container for persisting ViewAttachments and DrawingGraphics.  
SpatialLocationModel A container for persisting spatial location elements.  
SpatialModel A container for persisting 3d geometric elements that are spatially located.  
WebMercatorModel Obtains and displays multi-resolution tiled raster organized according to the WebMercator tiling system.  


Name Description  
OnElementInModelIdArg Argument for the Model.onXxxElement static methods that supply the Id of an Element for a Model.  
OnElementInModelPropsArg Argument for the Model.onXxxElement static methods that supply the properties of an Element for a Model.  
OnModelArg Argument for the Model.onXxx static methods  
OnModelIdArg Argument for the Model.onXxx static methods that only supply the Id of the affected Model.  
OnModelPropsArg Argument for the Model.onXxx static methods that supply the properties of a Model to be inserted or updated.  

Last Updated: 01 July, 2024