Node Namespace


Name Description
Node.fromJSON Deserialize Node from JSON
Node.toJSON Serialize given Node to JSON

Defined in

Node Interface

Data structure that describes a tree node.


Name Type Description
backColor string | undefined Background color Deprecated  
description string | undefined Extensive description  
extendedData [key: string]: any | undefined Extended data injected into this node  
fontStyle string | undefined Font style Deprecated  
foreColor string | undefined Foreground color Deprecated  
hasChildren boolean | undefined Does this node have child nodes  
imageId string | undefined Image ID Deprecated  
isCheckboxEnabled boolean | undefined Is this node's checkbox enabled Deprecated  
isCheckboxVisible boolean | undefined Is checkbox visible for this node Deprecated  
isChecked boolean | undefined Is this node's checkbox checked Deprecated  
isEditable boolean | undefined Is this node editable  
isExpanded boolean | undefined Is this node expanded  
isSelectionDisabled boolean | undefined Is this node selectable  
key NodeKey A key that uniquely identifies a node.  
label LabelDefinition Definition of node display label  
supportsFiltering boolean | undefined Identifies whether the hierarchy level below this node supports filtering.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 26 July, 2024