create MethodStatic

Create a new ScreenViewport that shows a View of an iModel into an HTMLDivElement. This method will create a new HTMLCanvasElement as a child of the supplied parentDiv. It also creates two new child HTMLDivElements: one of class "overlay-decorators" for HTML overlay decorators, and one of class "overlay-tooltip" for ToolTips. All the new child HTMLElements are the same size as the parentDiv.

create(parentDiv: HTMLDivElement, view: ViewState): ScreenViewport

note After creating a new ScreenViewport, you must call ViewManager.addViewport for it to become "live". You must also ensure you dispose of it properly.

throws Error if parentDiv has zero width or height.

Parameter Type Description
parentDiv HTMLDivElement The HTMLDivElement to contain the ScreenViewport. The element must have non-zero width and height.
view ViewState The ViewState for the ScreenViewport.

Returns - ScreenViewport

Defined in

Last Updated: 29 November, 2022