FloatingViewportContentControl Class




Name Description
constructor(uniqueId: string, name: string, node: ReactNode): FloatingViewportContentControl Creates an instance of ViewportContentControl.  

Inherited methods

Name Inherited from Description
getKeyedReactNode(): ReactNode Protected ViewportContentControl  
getReactElementForViewSelectorChange(_iModel: IModelConnection, _viewDefinitionId: string, _viewState: ViewState, _name: string): ReactNode ViewportContentControl Get the React.Element for a ViewSelector change.
getReactNode(): ReactNode Protected ViewportContentControl  
getType(): ConfigurableUiControlType ViewportContentControl Gets the type of ConfigurableUiControl, which is 'Viewport' in this case
onActivated(): void ViewportContentControl Called when this ContentControl is activated
onDeactivated(): void ViewportContentControl Called when this ContentControl is deactivated
onFrontstageDeactivated(): void ViewportContentControl Called when Frontstage is deactivated.
onFrontstageReady(): void ViewportContentControl Called when Frontstage is ready.
onInitialize(): void ViewportContentControl Called to initialize the ConfigurableUiControl.
processViewSelectorChange(iModel: IModelConnection, viewDefinitionId: string, viewState: ViewState, name: string): Promise<void> ViewportContentControl Process a ViewSelector change.
setIsReady(): void ViewportContentControl Returns a promise that resolves when the control is ready for usage.


Name Type Description
reactNode Accessor ReactNode The React node associated with this control.  

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
_appDataOptions Protected any ViewportContentControl  
_reactNode Protected ReactNode ViewportContentControl  
applicationData Accessor ReadOnly any ViewportContentControl allow options set via appData to be seen by API calls
classId Accessor ReadOnly string ViewportContentControl Gets the class Id of configurable element
controlId Accessor ReadOnly string ViewportContentControl Returns the ID of this ConfigurableUiControl.
isReady Accessor ReadOnly Promise<void> ViewportContentControl Returns a promise that resolves when the control is ready for usage.
isViewport Accessor ReadOnly boolean ViewportContentControl Returns true if this control is a Viewport control.
name Accessor ReadOnly string ViewportContentControl Get internal name of configurable element. If no name is defined in configuration
then the name will match the UniqueId.
navigationAidControl Accessor ReadOnly string ViewportContentControl Get the NavigationAidControl associated with this ContentControl
supportsViewSelectorChange Accessor ReadOnly boolean ViewportContentControl Returns true if this control supports processing ViewSelector changes.
viewport Accessor undefined | ScreenViewport ViewportContentControl The underlying ScreenViewport

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023