ToolActivatedEvent Class

Tool Activated Event class.



Name Description
constructor(): ToolActivatedEvent    

Inherited methods

Name Inherited from Description
addListener(listener: (args: ToolActivatedEventArgs) => void, scope?: any): () => void UiEvent Registers a Listener to be executed whenever this event is raised.
addOnce(listener: (args: ToolActivatedEventArgs) => void, scope?: any): () => void UiEvent Registers a callback function to be executed only once when the event is raised.
clear(): void UiEvent Clear all Listeners from this BeEvent.
emit(args: ToolActivatedEventArgs): void UiEvent Raises event with single strongly typed argument.
has(listener: (args: ToolActivatedEventArgs) => void, scope?: any): boolean UiEvent Determine whether this BeEvent has a specified listener registered.
raiseEvent(...args: [args]): void UiEvent Raises the event by calling each registered listener with the supplied arguments.
removeListener(listener: (args: ToolActivatedEventArgs) => void, scope?: any): boolean UiEvent Un-register a previously registered listener.

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
numberOfListeners Accessor ReadOnly number UiEvent The number of listeners currently subscribed to the event.

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023