AdditionalTransform Class

Additional Transform implementation. An additional transform is a transformation that can apply to either the horizontal or vertical coordinates of a geographic CRS. The transformation is applied after the latitude/longitude have been projected thus the process is applied to the result Cartesian coordinates of the projection process.



Name Description
constructor(data?: AdditionalTransformProps): AdditionalTransform    
equals(other: AdditionalTransform): boolean Compares two additional transforms applying a minuscule tolerance to comparing numbers.  
toJSON(): AdditionalTransformProps Creates a JSON from the Additional Transform definition  
fromJSON(data: AdditionalTransformProps): AdditionalTransform Static Creates an Additional Transform from JSON representation.  


Name Type Description
helmert2DWithZOffset Readonly undefined | Helmert2DWithZOffset The properties of a 2D Helmert transform with Z offset if one is defined.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023