LocateOptions Class

Options that customize the way element location (i.e. picking) works.



Name Description
constructor(): LocateOptions    
clone(): LocateOptions Make a copy of this LocateOptions.  
init(): void    
setFrom(other: LocateOptions): void    


Name Type Description
allowDecorations boolean If true, also test graphics from view decorations.  
allowExternalIModels boolean If true, also test graphics from an IModelConnection other than the one associated with the Viewport.  
allowNonLocatable boolean If true, also test graphics with non-locatable flag set.  
hitSource HitSource The HitSource identifying the caller.  
maxHits number Maximum number of hits to return.  
preserveModelDisplayTransforms boolean If true, then the world point of a hit on a model will preserve any transforms applied to the model at display time,  

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023