ElementPicker Class



Name Description
constructor(): ElementPicker    
doPick(vp: ScreenViewport, pickPointWorld: Point3d, pickRadiusView: number, options: LocateOptions): number Generate a list of elements that are close to a given point.  
empty(): void    
getHit(i: number): undefined | HitDetail Return a hit from the list of hits created the last time pickElements was called.  
getHitList(takeOwnership: boolean): HitList<HitDetail> return the HitList for the last Pick performed.  
getNextHit(): undefined | HitDetail    
resetCurrentHit(): void    
testHit(hit: HitDetail, vp: ScreenViewport, pickPointWorld: Point3d, pickRadiusView: number, options: LocateOptions): boolean    


Name Type Description
hitList undefined | HitList<HitDetail>    
pickPointWorld Readonly Point3d    
viewport undefined | Viewport    

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023