FacetLocationDetail Interface

Carries data about a point in the plane of a facet of a mesh.

see PolyfaceQuery.intersectRay3d

Implemented by


Name Description
clone(): FacetLocationDetail Clone the instance  
copyContentsFrom(other: FacetLocationDetail): void Set the instance contents from the other detail  
getBarycentricCoordinates(facetVertices?: IndexedXYZCollection, distanceTolerance?: number): undefined | number[] Get reference to cached barycentric coordinates of the point.  
getColor(facetColors?: number[], facetVertices?: IndexedXYZCollection, distanceTolerance?: number): undefined | number Get cached color interpolated from facet data.  
getNormal(facetNormals?: IndexedXYZCollection, facetVertices?: IndexedXYZCollection, distanceTolerance?: number): undefined | Vector3d Get reference to cached normal interpolated from facet data.  
getParam(facetParams?: IndexedXYCollection, facetVertices?: IndexedXYZCollection, distanceTolerance?: number): undefined | Point2d Get reference to cached uv parameter interpolated from facet data.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023