NonConvexFacetLocationDetail Class

Implementation of FacetLocationDetail for a non-convex facet.

  • Facet vertex data interpolation is not available.

Extended by



Name Description
constructor(facetIndex: number = -1, edgeCount: number = 0, detail?: PolygonLocationDetail): NonConvexFacetLocationDetail Protected captures the detail if provided  
clone(): NonConvexFacetLocationDetail Clone the instance  
copyContentsFrom(other: NonConvexFacetLocationDetail): void Set the instance contents from the other detail.  
getBarycentricCoordinates(): undefined | number[] Barycentric coordinates are not defined for a non-convex facet.  
getColor(): undefined | number Interpolated data is not defined for a non-convex facet.  
getNormal(): undefined | Vector3d Interpolated data is not defined for a non-convex facet.  
getParam(): undefined | Point2d Interpolated data is not defined for a non-convex facet.  
invalidate(deep: boolean = true): void Invalidate this detail.  
create(facetIndex: number, edgeCount: number, detail?: PolygonLocationDetail, result?: NonConvexFacetLocationDetail): NonConvexFacetLocationDetail Static Create a detail.  


Name Type Description
_detail Protected PolygonLocationDetail    
a Accessor ReadOnly number Get the application-specific number.  
classify Accessor ReadOnly PolygonLocation Get the code that classifies the location of the point with respect to the facet.  
closestEdge Accessor ReadOnly { edgeParam: number, startVertexIndex: number } Get the projection of the point onto the closest facet edge.  
edgeCount Accessor ReadOnly number Get the edge count of this facet.  
facetIndex Accessor ReadOnly number Get the facet index.  
isConvex Accessor ReadOnly boolean Whether the facet is convex.  
isInsideOrOn Accessor ReadOnly boolean Whether the point is inside or on the polygon.  
isValid Accessor ReadOnly boolean Whether this instance specifies a valid location.  
point Accessor ReadOnly Point3d Get the world coordinates of the point.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 30 November, 2023