CurveFactory Class

The CurveFactory class contains methods for specialized curve constructions.


Name Description
appendToArcInPlace(arcA: Arc3d, arcB: Arc3d, allowReverse: boolean = false): boolean Static If arcB is a continuation of arcA, extend arcA (in place) to include the range of arcB  
assembleArcChainOnEllipsoid(ellipsoid: Ellipsoid, pathPoints: GeodesicPathPoint[], fractionForIntermediateNormal: number = 0.5): Path Static Return a Path containing arcs are on the surface of an ellipsoid and pass through a sequence of points.  
createFilletsInLineString(points: LineString3d | IndexedXYZCollection | Point3d[], radius: number, allowBackupAlongEdge: boolean = true): Path | undefined Static Construct a sequence of alternating lines and arcs with the arcs creating tangent transition between consecutive edges.  
createRectangleXY(x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number, z: number = 0, filletRadius?: number): Loop Static Create a Loop with given xy corners and fixed z.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 05 June, 2020