
Classes for maintaining state


Name Description  
COLOR_THEME_DEFAULT The default color theme. Beta
ConfigurableUiActions An object with a function that creates each ConfigurableUiReducer that can be handled by our reducer.  
FrameworkReducer Framework reducer that combines the ConfigurableUiReducer and SessionStateReducer. Beta
SessionStateActions An object with a function that creates each SessionStateReducer that can be handled by our reducer. Beta
sessionStateMapDispatchToProps Object that contains available actions that modify SessionState. Beta
ThemeManager ThemeManager handles setting color themes. Beta
WIDGET_OPACITY_DEFAULT The default widget opacity. Beta


Name Description  
ColorTheme Enum for the Color Theme string. Beta
ConfigurableUiActionId Action Ids used by Redux and to send sync UI components.  
SessionStateActionId Action Ids used by Redux and to send sync UI components. Beta

Global Functions

Name Description  
ConfigurableUiReducer Handles actions to update ConfigurableUiState.  
connectIModelConnection Function that will connect a component to the IModelConnection data in the Redux store. Beta
connectIModelConnectionAndViewState Function that will connect a component to the IModelConnection data in the Redux store Beta
SessionStateReducer Handles actions to update SessionState. Beta


Name Description  
ConfigurableUiState The portion of state managed by the ConfigurableUiReducer.  
CursorMenuData Definition of data added to Redux store to define cursor menu. Beta
FrameworkState Interface combining all the Framework state interfaces. Beta
PresentationSelectionScope PresentationSelectionScope holds the id and the localized label for a selection scope supported for a specific iModel. Beta
SessionState The portion of state managed by the SessionStateReducer. Beta
SessionStateActionsProps An interface that allows redux connected object to dispatch changes to the SessionState reducer. Beta

Type Aliases

Name Description  
ConfigurableUiActionsUnion Union of ConfigurableUi Redux actions  
SessionStateActionsUnion Union of SessionState Redux actions Beta

Last Updated: 13 June, 2024