
Classes for working with a PropertyGrid.


Name Description  
PropertyCategoryBlock PropertyCategoryBlock React component  
PropertyDataChangeEvent An event broadcasted on property data changes  
PropertyGrid PropertyGrid React component.  
PropertyList A React component that renders multiple properties within a category as a list.  
SimplePropertyDataProvider Implementation of [PropertyDataProvider] that uses an associative array.  


Name Description  
IElementPropertyDataProvider An interface for element property data provider which returns Beta
IPropertyDataProvider An interface for property data provider which returns  
PropertyCategory Contains metadata about a group of Properties.  
PropertyCategoryBlockProps Properties for the PropertyCategoryBlock React component  
PropertyData Interface for property data provided to the PropertyGrid React component.  
PropertyEditingArgs Arguments for the Property Editing event callback  
PropertyGridCategory Property Category in the PropertyGrid state  
PropertyGridContextMenuArgs Arguments for PropertyGridProps.onPropertyContextMenu callback  
PropertyGridProps Properties for PropertyGrid React component  
PropertyListProps Properties of PropertyList React component  

Type Aliases

Name Description  
PropertyDataChangesListener A signature for property data change listeners  

Last Updated: 13 June, 2024