

Name Description
AliCloudStorageService Beta
AnalyticalElement Spatially located, simulating zero or more SpatialLocationElement or PhysicalElement instances in light of a specialized analytical perspective. Beta
AnalyticalModel A container for persisting AnalyticalElement instances used to model Beta
AnalyticalPartition An AnalyticalPartition element indicates that there is a specialized analytical perspective within Beta
AnalyticalSchema Schema class for the Analytical domain. Beta
AnalyticalSimulatesSpatialElement Relates an AnalyticalElement to the SpatialLocationElement or PhysicalElement it is simulating, Beta
AnalyticalType Defines a shared set of properties (the 'type') that can be associated with an AnalyticalElement. Beta
AnnotationElement2d 2d element used to annotate drawings and sheets.
AuthorizedBackendRequestContext Provides some generic context for downstream server applications to get details of a request that
AutoPush Use AutoPush to automatically push local changes to a specified IModel. Beta
AuxCoordSystem An auxiliary coordinate system element.
AuxCoordSystem2d A 2d auxiliary coordinate system.
AuxCoordSystem3d A 3d auxiliary coordinate system.
AuxCoordSystemSpatial A spatial auxiliary coordinate system.
AzureBlobStorage Beta
BackendActivityMonitor An implementation of AppActivityMonitor that should be suitable for most backends. Beta
BackendRequestContext Provides generic context for downstream server applications to get details of a request that
BisCoreSchema The BisCore schema is the lowest level Schema in an iModel.
BriefcaseId The Id assigned to a briefcase by iModelHub, or one of the special values that identify special kinds of iModels
CachedECSqlStatement A cached ECSqlStatement.
Category A Category element is the target of the category member of GeometricElement.
CategoryOwnsSubCategories Relates a parent Category to SubCategory child elements.
CategorySelector Holds a list of Ids of Categories to be displayed in a view.
ChangeSummaryExtractContext Beta
ChangeSummaryManager Class to extract Change Summaries for a briefcase. Beta
ClassRegistry The mapping between a BIS class name (in the form "schema:class") and its JavaScript constructor function
CloudStorageService Beta
CodeSpecs Manages CodeSpecs within an IModelDb
ConcurrencyControl ConcurrencyControl enables an app to coordinate local changes with changes that are being made by others to an iModel. Beta
ConcurrencyControl.Codes Code manager
ConcurrencyControl.ConflictResolutionPolicy The options for how conflicts are to be handled during change-merging in an OptimisticConcurrencyControlPolicy.
ConcurrencyControl.OptimisticPolicy Specifies an optimistic concurrency policy.
ConcurrencyControl.PessimisticPolicy Specifies a pessimistic concurrency policy.
ConcurrencyControl.Request A request for locks and/or code reservations.
DefinitionElement A Definition Element holds configuration-related information that is meant to be referenced / shared.
DefinitionModel A container for persisting definition elements.
DefinitionPartition A DefinitionPartition element establishes a Definition modeling perspective for its parent Subject.
DictionaryModel The singleton container for repository-specific definition elements.
DisplayStyle A DisplayStyle defines the parameters for 'styling' the contents of a view.
DisplayStyle2d A DisplayStyle for 2d views.
DisplayStyle3d A DisplayStyle for 3d views.
DistanceExpression Core structure carrying linearly-referenced information. Beta
Document An InformationContentElement that identifies the content of a document.
DocumentListModel Contains a list of document elements.
DocumentPartition A DocumentPartition element establishes a Document modeling perspective for its parent Subject.
Drawing A document that represents a drawing, that is, 2-D graphical representation of engineering data.
DrawingCategory Categorizes 2d GeometricElements.
DrawingGraphic 2d element used to persist graphics for use in drawings.
DrawingGraphicRepresentsElement Relates a DrawingGraphic to the Element that it represents
DrawingGraphicRepresentsFunctionalElement Relates a DrawingGraphic to the FunctionalElement that it represents
DrawingModel A 2d model that holds DrawingGraphics.
DrawingViewDefinition Defines a view of a DrawingModel.
DriverBundleElement Element used in conjunction with bis:ElementDrivesElement relationships to bundle multiple inputs before Beta
ECDb An ECDb file
ECSqlBinder Binds a value to an ECSQL parameter.
ECSqlInsertResult The result of an ECSQL INSERT statement as returned from ECSqlStatement.stepForInsert.
ECSqlStatement Executes ECSQL statements.
ECSqlStatementCache A cache for ECSqlStatements.
ECSqlValue Value of a column in a row of an ECSQL query result.
ECSqlValueIterator Iterator over members of a struct ECSqlValue or the elements of an array ECSqlValue.
Element Elements are the smallest individually identifiable building blocks for modeling the real world in an iModel.
ElementAspect An Element Aspect is a class that defines a set of properties that are related to (and owned by) a single element.
ElementDrivesElement A Relationship where one Element drives another Element Beta
ElementEncapsulatesElements Relates a parent Element to child Elements which represent hidden parts of the Entity.
ElementGroupsMembers An ElementRefersToElements relationship where one Element groups a set of other Elements.
ElementMultiAspect An Element Multi-Aspect is an ElementAspect where there can be n instances of the Element Aspect class per Element.
ElementOwnsChildElements Relates a parent Element to child Elements which represent parts of the Entity modeled by the parent Element.
ElementOwnsExternalSourceAspects Relates an Element and an ExternalSourceAspect that it owns.
ElementOwnsMultiAspects Relates an Element and an ElementMultiAspect that it owns.
ElementOwnsUniqueAspect Relates an Element and an ElementUniqueAspect that it owns.
ElementRefersToElements A Relationship where one Element refers to another Element
ElementUniqueAspect An Element Unique Aspect is an ElementAspect where there can be only zero or one instance of the Element Aspect class per Element.
An information element that links to an embedded file.
Entity Base class for all Entities in an iModel.
ExternalSourceAspect An ElementMultiAspect that stores synchronization information for an Element originating from an external source.
FunctionalBreakdownElement A FunctionalBreakdownElement is a folder node in the functional hierarchy.
FunctionalComponentElement A FunctionalComponentElement is a leaf node in the functional hierarchy.
FunctionalElement A FunctionalElement captures functional requirements that will ultimately be fulfilled by a PhysicalElement.
FunctionalElementIsOfType Relates a FunctionalElement to its FunctionalType
FunctionalModel A container for persisting FunctionalElements.
FunctionalPartition A FunctionalPartition element is a key part of the iModel information hierarchy and is always parented
FunctionalType Defines a set of properties (the 'type') that can be associated with a Functional Element.
GeometricElement An abstract base class to model real world entities that intrinsically have geometry.
GeometricElement2d An abstract base class to model information entities that intrinsically have 2d geometry.
GeometricElement2dHasTypeDefinition Relates a GeometricElement2d to its TypeDefinitionElement
GeometricElement3d An abstract base class to model real world entities that intrinsically have 3d geometry.
GeometricElement3dHasTypeDefinition Relates a GeometricElement3d to its TypeDefinitionElement
GeometricModel A container for persisting geometric elements.
GeometricModel2d A container for persisting 2d geometric elements.
GeometricModel3d A container for persisting 3d geometric elements.
GeometryPart A Definition Element that specifies a collection of geometry that is meant to be reused across Geometric
GraphicalElement2d An abstract base class for 2d Geometric Elements that are used to convey information within graphical presentations (like drawings).
GraphicalElement2dIsOfType Relates a GraphicalElement2d to its GraphicalType2d
GraphicalElement3d A 3d Graphical Element
GraphicalElement3dRepresentsElement Relates a GraphicalElement3d to the Element that it represents
GraphicalModel2d A container for persisting 2d graphical elements.
GraphicalModel3d A container for persisting GraphicalElement3d instances.
GraphicalPartition3d A GraphicalPartition3d element establishes a 3D Graphical modeling perspective for its parent Subject.
GraphicalType2d Defines a set of properties (the type) that can be associated with a 2D Graphical Element.
GroupInformationElement Group Information is an abstract base class for modeling entities whose main purpose is to reference a group of related elements.
GroupInformationModel A container for persisting group information elements.
GroupInformationPartition A GroupInformationPartition element establishes a Group Information modeling perspective for its parent Subject.
ILinearElementProvidedBySource Relationship associating Linear-Elements with the elements they came from. Beta
ILinearLocationLocatesElement Relationship indicating bis:Element being linearly-located by a concrete instance mixing-in ILinearLocationElement. Beta
ILinearlyLocatedAlongILinearElement Relationship indicating the Linear-Element along which concrete instances mixing-in ILinearlyLocated are located. Beta
ILinearlyLocatedAttributesElement Relationship indicating the bis:Element being attributed by a concrete instance mixing-in ILinearlyLocatedAttribution. Beta
IModelCloneContext The context for transforming a source Element to a target Element and remapping internal identifiers to the target iModel. Beta
IModelDb An iModel database file.
IModelDb.Elements The collection of elements in an IModelDb.
IModelDb.Models The collection of models in an IModelDb.
IModelDb.Views The collection of views in an IModelDb.
IModelExporter Base class for exporting data from an iModel. Beta
IModelExportHandler Handles the events generated by IModelExporter. Beta
IModelHost IModelHost initializes imodeljs-backend and captures its configuration.
IModelHostConfiguration Configuration of imodeljs-backend.
IModelImporter Base class for importing data into an iModel. Beta
IModelJsFs File system operations that are defined on all platforms.
IModelJsFsStats Information about a file.
IModelTransformer Base class used to transform a source iModel into a different target iModel. Beta
InformationContentElement Information Content Element is an abstract base class for modeling pure information entities.
InformationModel A container for persisting information elements.
InformationPartitionElement An abstract base class for elements that establishes a particular modeling perspective for its parent Subject.
InformationRecordElement Information Record Element is an abstract base class for modeling information records.
InformationRecordModel A container for persisting Information Record Elements
InformationRecordPartition An InformationRecordPartition element establishes a Information Record modeling perspective for its parent Subject.
InformationReferenceElement Information Reference is an abstract base class for modeling entities whose main purpose is to reference something else.
IReferentReferencesElement Relationship indicating the bis:SpatialElement being used as Referent for Linear Referencing purposes. Beta
KnownLocations Well known directories that may be used by the application.
LinearElement A class offering services for linearly-located data along a Linear-Element. Beta
LinearLocation Linear Referencing Location attached to an Element not inherently Linearly Referenced. Beta
LinearLocationElement Base class for Spatial Location Element implementations that are linearly located along a Linear-Element. Beta
LinearlyLocated A class offering services for LinearlyLocated elements. Beta
LinearlyLocatedAttribution Base class for Spatial Location Element subclasses representing properties whose value is located along a Linear-Element and only applies to a portion of an Element. Beta
LinearlyReferencedAtLocation Concrete multi-aspect class carrying 'at' linearly-referenced positions along a Linear-Element. Beta
LinearlyReferencedAtPositionRefersToReferent Relationship indicating the referent used by a particular linearly-referenced At position. Beta
LinearlyReferencedFromPositionRefersToReferent Relationship indicating the referent used by a particular linearly-referenced From position. Beta
LinearlyReferencedFromToLocation Concrete multi-aspect class carrying 'from-to' linearly-referenced positions along a Linear-Element. Beta
LinearlyReferencedLocation Base class for multi-aspects carrying linearly-referenced locations. Beta
LinearlyReferencedToPositionRefersToReferent Relationship indicating the referent used by a particular linearly-referenced To position. Beta
LinearPhysicalElement Base class for Physical Elements that are inherently linearly located along a Linear-Element. Beta
LinearReferencingSchema Schema class for the LinearReferencing domain. Beta
LineStyle The definition element for a line style
LinkElement An information element that specifies a link.
LinkModel A container for persisting link elements.
LinkPartition A LinkPartition element establishes a Link modeling perspective for its parent Subject.
Model A Model is a container for persisting a collection of related elements within an iModel.
ModelSelector Holds the list of Ids of GeometricModels displayed by a SpatialViewDefinition.
OpenParams Parameters to open an IModelDb
OrthographicViewDefinition Defines a spatial view that displays geometry on the image plane using a parallel orthographic projection.
PhysicalElement An Element that is spatially located, has mass, and can be 'touched'.
PhysicalElementAssemblesElements Relates a parent PhysicalElement to PhysicalElement children that it assembles.
PhysicalElementFulfillsFunction Relates a PhysicalElement to the FunctionalElement elements that it fulfills.
PhysicalElementIsOfType Relates a PhysicalElement to its PhysicalType
PhysicalModel A container for persisting physical elements that model physical space.
PhysicalPartition A PhysicalPartition element establishes a Physical modeling perspective for its parent Subject.
PhysicalType Defines a set of properties (the type) that can be associated with a Physical Element.
Platform Information about the platform on which the app is running.
Referent Referent-implementation turning any bis:SpatialElement not inherently Linearly-Referenced into a Referent for Linear-Referencing purposes. Beta
ReferentElement Spatial Location Element that can play the role of a Referent (known location along a Linear-Element). Beta
Relationship Base class for all link table ECRelationships
Relationships Manages Relationships.
RenderMaterialElement Defines a rendering material.
RenderMaterialElement.Params Parameters used to construct a RenderMaterial.
RenderMaterialOwnsRenderMaterials Relates a parent RenderMaterial to RenderMaterial child elements.
An information element that links to a repository.
RepositoryModel The singleton container of repository-related information elements.
RoleElement A real world entity is modeled as a Role Element when a set of external circumstances define an important
RoleModel A container for persisting role elements.
Schema Base class for all schema classes - see working with schemas and elements in TypeScript.
Schemas Manages registered schemas
SectionDrawing A document that represents a section drawing, that is, 2-D graphical documentation derived from a planar
SectionDrawingModel A container for persisting section DrawingGraphics.
SectionLocation A SectionLocation element defines how a section drawing should be generated in a 3d view. Beta
Sheet A digital representation of a sheet of paper.
SheetBorderTemplate The template for a SheetBorder
SheetModel A container for persisting ViewAttachments and DrawingGraphics.
SheetTemplate The template for a Sheet
SheetViewDefinition Defines a view of a SheetModel.
SpatialCategory Categorizes SpatialElements.
SpatialElement An Element that occupies real world space.
SpatialLocationElement Identifies a tracked real world location but has no mass and cannot be touched.
SpatialLocationIsOfType Relates a SpatialLocationElement to its SpatialLocationType
SpatialLocationModel A container for persisting spatial location elements.
SpatialLocationPartition A SpatialLocationPartition element establishes a SpatialLocation modeling perspective for its parent Subject.
SpatialLocationType Defines a set of properties (the type) that can be associated with a spatial location.
SpatialModel A container for persisting 3d geometric elements that are spatially located.
SpatialViewDefinition Defines a view of one or more SpatialModels.
SubCategory Defines the appearance for graphics in Geometric elements
Subject A Subject is an information element that describes what this repository (or part thereof) is about.
SubjectOwnsPartitionElements Relates a parent Subject to InformationPartitionElement child elements.
SubjectOwnsSubjects Relates a parent Subject to Subject child elements.
TextAnnotation2d 2D Text Annotation
TextAnnotation3d 3D Text Annotation
Texture Defines a rendering texture that is associated with a Material and applied to surface geometry.
TxnManager Local Txns in an IModelDb. Beta
TypeDefinitionElement Defines a set of properties (the type) that may be associated with an element.
An information element that specifies a URL link.
ViewAttachment Represents an attachment of a ViewDefinition to a Sheet.
ViewDefinition The definition element for a view.
ViewDefinition2d Defines a view of a single 2d model.
ViewDefinition3d Defines a view of one or more 3d models.
VolumeElement A Volume Element is a Spatial Location Element that is restricted to defining a volume.
WebMercatorModel Obtains and displays multi-resolution tiled raster organized according to the WebMercator tiling system.


Name Description
AutoPushEventType Identifies an AutoPush event. Beta
AutoPushState Identifies the current state of an AutoPush object. Beta
BackendLoggerCategory Logger categories used by this package
ConcurrencyControl.OnConflict How to handle a conflict.
ECDbOpenMode Modes for how to open ECDb files.
ExternalSourceAspect.Kind Standard values for the Kind property of ExternalSourceAspect.
KeepBriefcase Option to keep briefcase when the imodel is closed
SyncMode Operations allowed when synchronizing changes between the IModelDb and the iModel Hub

Global Functions

Name Description


Name Description
AppActivityMonitor Monitors backend activity. Beta
AutoPushParams Configuration for AutoPush. Beta
ChangeSummary Represents an instance of the ChangeSummary ECClass from the ECDbChange ECSchema Beta
ChangeSummaryExtractOptions Options for ChangeSummaryManager.extractChangeSummaries. Beta
CloudStorageServiceCredentials Beta
CloudStorageUploadOptions Beta
ConcurrencyControl.LockProps The properties of an iModel server lock. Beta
DisplayStyleCreationOptions Creation options for display styles
ECEnumValue Represents the value of an ECEnumeration.
ECSqlColumnInfo Information about an ECSQL column in an ECSQL query result.
ElementDrivesElementProps Properties that are common to all types of ElementDrivesElements Beta
ElementGroupsMembersProps Properties that are common to all types of link table ECRelationships
ExportGraphicsInfo Info provided to ExportGraphicsFunction about graphics.
ExportGraphicsLines A collection of line segments, suitable for direct use with graphics APIs.
ExportGraphicsMesh A triangulated mesh with unified indices, suitable for direct use with graphics APIs.
ExportGraphicsOptions Parameters for IModelDb.exportGraphics
ExportLinesInfo Info provided to ExportLinesFunction about linework graphics.
ExportPartDisplayInfo Information about the base display properties when a GeometryPart was
ExportPartGraphicsOptions Parameters for IModelDb.exportPartGraphics
ExportPartInfo Info provided to ExportPartFunction about graphics.
ExportPartInstanceInfo Information about references to GeometryPart elements found during
ExportPartLinesInfo Info provided to ExportPartFunction about line graphics.
IModelImportOptions Options provided to the IModelImporter constructor. Beta
IModelTransformOptions Options provided to the IModelTransformer constructor. Beta
InstanceChange Represents an instance of the InstanceChange ECClass from the ECDbChange ECSchema Beta
LinearlyLocatedBase Base interface to optionally be implemented by Elements inherently Linearly-Located. Beta
LinearlyLocatedMultipleAt Interface to optionally be implemented by Elements inherently Linearly-Located whose linear-locations are always at-positions. Beta
LinearlyLocatedMultipleFromTo Interface to optionally be implemented by Elements inherently Linearly-Located whose linear-locations are always from-to-positions. Beta
LinearlyLocatedSingleAt Interface to optionally be implemented by Elements inherently Linearly-Located whose linear-locations are always a single at-position. Beta
LinearlyLocatedSingleFromTo Interface to optionally be implemented by Elements inherently Linearly-Located whose linear-locations are always a single from-to-position. Beta
RelationshipProps Properties that are common to all types of link table ECRelationships
SourceAndTarget Specifies the source and target elements of a Relationship instance.
UpdateModelOptions Options for IModelDb.Models.updateModel
ValidationError An error generated during dependency validation. Beta


Name Description
ExportGraphics Provides utility functions for working with data generated by IModelDb.exportGraphics
LineStyleDefinition A line style definition is a uniquely named pattern that repeats as it is displayed along a curve path.

Type Aliases

Name Description
AutoPushEventHandler The signature of an AutoPush event handler. Beta
ChangeSetDescriber The signature of a function that can supply a description of local Txns in the specified briefcase up to and including the specified endTxnId.
ExportGraphicsFunction A callback function that receives generated graphics.
ExportGraphicsProps Deprecated
ExportLinesFunction A callback function that receives generated line graphics.
ExportPartDisplayProps Deprecated
ExportPartFunction A callback function that receives generated graphics for a GeometryPart.
ExportPartGraphicsProps Deprecated
ExportPartInstanceProps Deprecated
ExportPartLinesFunction A callback function that receives generated line graphics for a GeometryPart.
TxnIdString A string that identifies a Txn.

Last Updated: 13 June, 2024