
Widgets that wrap some of the package's functionality into embeddable HTML controls.


Name Description  
DiagnosticsPanel Consolidates many other widgets into a single panel. Beta
FpsTracker Displays average frames-per-second. Beta
KeyinField A textbox allowing input of key-ins (localized tool names) combined with a drop-down that lists all registered key-ins, filtered by substring match on the current input. Beta
MemoryTracker Displays GPU memory allocated to tile trees - either all tile trees in the system, or only those associated with a specific Viewport. Beta
TileStatisticsTracker Outputs statistics related to tile requests including the current number of active, pending, selected, and ready tile requests; as well as cumulative statistics for the session including the number of failed, timed-out, empty, and elided tile requests. Beta


Name Description  
DiagnosticsPanelProps Options for configuring a DiagnosticsPanel. Beta
KeyinFieldProps Properties controlling how a KeyinField is created. Beta

Last Updated: 13 June, 2024