
Types related to unified selection.


Name Description  
SelectionChangeEvent An event broadcasted on selection changes  
SelectionHandler A class that handles selection changes and helps to change  
SelectionManager The selection manager which stores the overall selection.  
SelectionScopesManager A manager that knows available selection scopes  


Name Description  
SelectionChangeType The type of selection change  

Global Functions

Name Description  
getScopeId Determines the scope id  


Name Description  
ISelectionProvider Selection provider interface which provides main selection and sub-selection.  
SelectionChangeEventArgs The event object that's sent when the selection changes.  
SelectionManagerProps Properties for creating SelectionManager.  
SelectionScopesManagerProps Properties for creating SelectionScopesManager.  

Type Aliases

Name Description  
SelectionChangesListener An interface for selection change listeners.  

Last Updated: 13 June, 2024