
Classes for working with ECSchemas


Name Description  
AnalyticalSchema Schema class for the Analytical domain. Beta
AnalyticalSimulatesSpatialElement Relates an AnalyticalElement to the SpatialLocationElement or PhysicalElement it is simulating, Beta
BisCoreSchema The BisCore schema is the lowest level Schema in an iModel.  
ClassRegistry The mapping between a BIS class name (in the form "schema:class") and its JavaScript constructor function  
DistanceExpression Core structure carrying linearly-referenced information. Beta
Entity Base class for all Entities in an iModel.  
ILinearElementProvidedBySource Relationship associating Linear-Elements with the elements they came from. Beta
ILinearLocationLocatesElement Relationship indicating bis:Element being linearly-located by a concrete instance mixing-in ILinearLocationElement. Beta
ILinearlyLocatedAlongILinearElement Relationship indicating the Linear-Element along which concrete instances mixing-in ILinearlyLocated are located. Beta
ILinearlyLocatedAttributesElement Relationship indicating the bis:Element being attributed by a concrete instance mixing-in ILinearlyLocatedAttribution. Beta
IReferentReferencesElement Relationship indicating the bis:SpatialElement being used as Referent for Linear Referencing purposes. Beta
LinearlyReferencedAtLocation Concrete multi-aspect class carrying 'at' linearly-referenced positions along a Linear-Element. Beta
LinearlyReferencedAtPositionRefersToReferent Relationship indicating the referent used by a particular linearly-referenced At position. Beta
LinearlyReferencedFromPositionRefersToReferent Relationship indicating the referent used by a particular linearly-referenced From position. Beta
LinearlyReferencedFromToLocation Concrete multi-aspect class carrying 'from-to' linearly-referenced positions along a Linear-Element. Beta
LinearlyReferencedLocation Base class for multi-aspects carrying linearly-referenced locations. Beta
LinearlyReferencedToPositionRefersToReferent Relationship indicating the referent used by a particular linearly-referenced To position. Beta
LinearReferencingSchema Schema class for the LinearReferencing domain. Beta
Schema Base class for all schema classes - see working with schemas and elements in TypeScript.  
Schemas Manages registered schemas  

Last Updated: 13 June, 2024