DisplayStyleState Class

A DisplayStyle defines the parameters for 'styling' the contents of a ViewState

note If the DisplayStyle is associated with a ViewState which is being rendered inside a Viewport, modifying the DisplayStyle directly will generally not result in immediately visible changes on the screen. ViewState provides APIs which forward to the DisplayStyle API and also ensure the screen is updated promptly.


Extended by



Name Description
constructor(props: DisplayStyleProps, iModel: IModelConnection): DisplayStyleState Construct a new DisplayStyleState from its JSON representation.  
changeBackgroundMapProps(props: BackgroundMapProps): void Modify a subset of the background map display settings. Beta  
dropSubCategoryOverride(id: Id64String): void Remove any SubCategoryOverride applied to a SubCategoryAppearance by this style.  
equalState(other: DisplayStyleState): boolean Performs logical comparison against another display style.  
getSubCategoryOverride(id: Id64String): SubCategoryOverride | undefined Obtain the overrides applied to a SubCategoryAppearance by this style.  
is3d(): this is DisplayStyle3dState Returns true if this is a 3d display style.  
overrideSubCategory(id: Id64String, ovr: SubCategoryOverride): void Customize the way geometry belonging to a SubCategory is drawn by this display style.  
setBackgroundMap(mapProps: BackgroundMapProps): void Modify the background map display settings. Deprecated  

Inherited methods

Name Inherited from Description
clone(iModel?: IModelConnection): this EntityState Make an independent copy of this EntityState
equals(other: this): boolean EntityState Return true if this EntityState is equal to another one.


Name Type Description
analysisStyle Accessor AnalysisStyle | undefined Settings controlling display of analytical models.  
backgroundColor Accessor ColorDef The background color for this DisplayStyle  
backgroundMapSettings Accessor BackgroundMapSettings The settings controlling how a background map is displayed within a view. Beta  
hasSubCategoryOverride Accessor ReadOnly boolean Returns true if an [[SubCategoryOverride]s are defined by this style.  
monochromeColor Accessor ColorDef The color used to draw geometry in monochrome mode.  
name Accessor ReadOnly string The name of this DisplayStyle  
settings Accessor ReadOnly DisplayStyleSettings The container for this display style's settings.  
viewFlags Accessor ViewFlags The ViewFlags associated with this style.  

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
classFullName Accessor StaticReadOnly string EntityState Get full BIS class name of this Entity in the form "SchemaName:ClassName".
classFullName string EntityState The full class name in the form "schema:class".
className Accessor ReadOnly string EntityState The name of the BIS class associated with this class.
code Code ElementState The Code for this element
federationGuid undefined | GuidString ElementState A FederationGuid assigned to this element by some other federated database
id Id64String EntityState The Id of this Entity.
iModel IModelConnection EntityState The iModel from which this Entity was loaded
jsonProperties [key: string]: any EntityState Optional json properties of this Entity.
model Id64String ElementState The ModelId of the Model containing this element
parent undefined | RelatedElement ElementState The parent Element of this, or undefined if no parent.
schemaName Accessor StaticReadOnly string EntityState The name of the BIS schema for this class.
userLabel undefined | string ElementState A user-assigned label for this element.

Defined in

Last Updated: 13 June, 2024