OverflowProps Interface


Properties of Overflow component.



Name Type Description
onClick undefined | () => void Function called when button is clicked.  

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
className undefined | string ClassNameProps Custom CSS class name
hideIndicator undefined | false | true ExpandableItemProps Describes if expandable item triangle indicator should be hidden.
history undefined | React.ReactNode ExpandableItemProps History of the toolbar.
isActive undefined | false | true ExpandableItemProps Describes if item is active.
isDisabled undefined | false | true ExpandableItemProps Describes if item is disabled.
onIsHistoryExtendedChange undefined | (isExtended: boolean) => void ExpandableItemProps Function called when history tray should be extended or shrank.
panel undefined | React.ReactNode ExpandableItemProps Panel of the toolbar.
style undefined | React.CSSProperties CommonProps Custom CSS style properties

Defined in

Last Updated: 05 June, 2020