imodeljs-backend Change Log

The imodeljs-backend package always runs on the computer with a local Briefcase.

It contains classes that backend code can use to work with directly with iModels.


Name Description
IModelHost Classes for configuring and administering the backend host.
iModels Classes for working with iModels.
Schema Classes for working with ECSchemas
Models Subclasses of Models.
Elements Subclasses of Elements.
Codes Classes for working with Codes.
ViewDefinitions Classes for working with elements that define what appears in views.
Relationships Classes that describe the relationships between elements.
ElementAspects Subclasses of ElementAspects.
Categories Classes for Categories.
Symbology Classes for defining the appearance of element geometry
ECDb Classes for working with ECDb.
ECSQL Classes for working with ECSQL
Portability Classes to help write portable apps and libraries that will run on any platform, including web apps, node services, Electron desktops apps, and mobile apps.
Utils Miscellaneous utility classes.
Logging Logger categories used by this package.
RpcInterface Classes for working with RpcInterfaces.
CloudStorageBackend Classes for working with cloud storage.
AliCloudStorageService Classes for working with cloud storage using AliCloud.
All Displays the contents of all topics in this package.

Last Updated: 13 June, 2024