SkyBoxProps Interface

JSON representation of a SkyBox.


Name Type Description
display undefined | false | true Whether or not the skybox should be displayed.  
groundColor undefined | ColorDefProps For a 4-color SkyGradient, the color of the ground at the horizon.  
groundExponent undefined | number For a 4-color SkyGradient, controls speed of change from ground color to nadir color.  
image undefined | SkyBoxImageProps For a SkySphere or SkyCube, the skybox image(s).  
nadirColor undefined | ColorDefProps For a 4-color SkyGradient, the color of the ground when looking straight down.  
skyColor undefined | ColorDefProps For a 4-color SkyGradient, the color of the sky at the horizon.  
skyExponent undefined | number For a 4-color SkyGradient, controls speed of change from sky color to zenith color.  
twoColor undefined | false | true For a SkyGradient, if true, a 2-color gradient skybox is used instead of a 4-color.  
zenithColor undefined | ColorDefProps For a 4-color SkyGradient, the color of the sky when looking straight up.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 13 June, 2024