ui-components Change Log

The ui-components package contains React components that are data-oriented, such as PropertyGrid, Table, Tree and Breadcrumb.


Name Description
Common Common classes used across various UI components.
Breadcrumb Classes for working with a Breadcrumb.
Color Classes for working with and picking a Color.
DragDrop Classes and Higher Order Components for working with the DragDrop API.
Filtering Classes for working with filtering.
LineWeight Classes for working with and picking a Line Weight.
OIDC Components for working with OIDC and Sign-in.
Properties Classes for working with Properties.
PropertyEditors Classes for working with Property Editors.
PropertyGrid Classes for working with a PropertyGrid.
Table Classes for working with a Table.
Tree Classes for working with a Tree.
TypeConverters Classes for working with Type Converters.
Viewport Classes for working with a Viewport.
All Displays the contents of all topics in this package.

Last Updated: 13 June, 2024