ElectronRpcProtocol Class


RPC interface protocol for an Electron-based application.



Name Description
constructor(configuration: ElectronRpcConfiguration): ElectronRpcProtocol Constructs an Electron protocol.  

Inherited methods

Name Inherited from Description
fulfill(request: SerializedRpcRequest): Promise<RpcRequestFulfillment> RpcProtocol Obtains the implementation result on the backend for an RPC operation request.
getCode(status: RpcRequestStatus): number RpcProtocol Override to supply the protocol-specific code corresponding to a status value.
getOperationFromPath(path: string): SerializedRpcOperation RpcProtocol Override to supply the operation for a protocol-specific path value.
getStatus(code: number): RpcRequestStatus RpcProtocol Override to supply the status corresponding to a protocol-specific code value.
inflateToken(tokenFromBody: IModelTokenProps, _request: SerializedRpcRequest): IModelTokenProps RpcProtocol If checkToken is true, will be called on the backend to inflate the IModelToken for each request.
serialize(request: RpcRequest): Promise<SerializedRpcRequest> RpcProtocol Serializes a request.
supplyPathForOperation(operation: RpcOperation, _request: RpcRequest | undefined): string RpcProtocol Override to supply the protocol-specific path value for an RPC operation.


Name Type Description
instances Static Map<string, ElectronRpcProtocol>    
requestType ElectronRpcRequest The RPC request class for this protocol.  
transferChunkThreshold number Specifies where to break large binary request payloads.  

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
checkToken boolean RpcProtocol Used by protocols that can transmit IModelToken values natively.
configuration RpcConfiguration RpcProtocol The configuration for the protocol.
events Static BeEvent<RpcProtocolEventHandler> RpcProtocol Events raised by all protocols.
events BeEvent<RpcProtocolEventHandler> RpcProtocol Events raised by the protocol.
invocationType undefined RpcProtocol The RPC invocation class for this protocol.
preserveStreams boolean RpcProtocol Used by protocols that can transmit stream values natively.

Object Literals

Name Description

Defined in

Last Updated: 05 June, 2020