saveStateToFile Method

Deprecated  in 0.1.x, this is buggy, and with 1.x it will be equivalently efficient to simply restart the transformation

from the original changeset

Save the state of the active transformation to a file path, if a file at the path already exists, it will be overwritten This state can be used by IModelTransformer.resumeTransformation to resume a transformation from this point. The serialization format is a custom sqlite database.

saveStateToFile(nativeStatePath: string): void

@note custom transformers with custom state may override IModelTransformer.saveStateToDb or IModelTransformer.getAdditionalStateJson and IModelTransformer.loadStateFromDb (with a super call) or IModelTransformer.loadAdditionalStateJson if they have custom state that needs to be stored with potentially inside the same sqlite file in separate tables

Parameter Type Description
nativeStatePath string  

Returns - void

Defined in

Last Updated: 12 February, 2024