isConvexByDihedralAngleCount MethodStatic

Test for convex volume by dihedral angle tests on all edges.

  • This tests if all dihedral angles are positive.
  • In a closed solid, this is a strong test for overall convexity.
  • With ignoreBoundaries true, this may be a useful test when all the facets are in a single edge-connected component, such as a pyramid with no underside.
  • It is not a correct test if there are multiple, disjoint components.
    • Take the above-mentioned pyramid with no underside.
    • Within the same mesh, have a second pyramid placed to the side, still facing upward.
    • The angles will pass the dihedral convexity test, but the composite thing surely is not convex.

isConvexByDihedralAngleCount(source: Polyface, ignoreBoundaries: boolean = false): boolean

@returns true if the mesh is closed and has all dihedral angles (angle across edge) positive

Parameter Type Description
source Polyface mesh to examine
ignoreBoundaries boolean if true, ignore simple boundary edges, i.e. allow unclosed meshes.

Returns - boolean

true if the mesh is closed and has all dihedral angles (angle across edge) positive

Defined in

Last Updated: 25 April, 2024